Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Dollar Tree Christmas 12-21-08

Every year our group of friends get together over at my parent's house for a night of dollar gifts. One of the rules is you don't spend more than a dollar on each gift but there are some you just have to splurge on, what another $1?
I included a few of the favorites from the evening.

This is Jenna with the white bear that my parents got her. (yeah more than $2) She belongs to Rob and Chelyene.

After opening of the gifts was homemade enchiladas. YUM!! My favorite part!


Melanie Papworth said...

Okay, that sounds like fun! A dollar tree party. Maybe we could combine that with an ugly sweater party next year...

Lisa and Rustin said...

Me drunk?! PA-LEEESE! =]

Us Mormon kids know how to have fun drug free!!
How are you?
What the news with la casa?!?!

Lisa and Rustin said...

And yes...I agree with Melanie...ugly sweater and dollar tree gift exchange party!!