Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I want a shot

The last month I've had some problems with my right shoulder. I'll wake up in the middle of the night with my arm asleep. Two weeks ago I woke up in the morning with a pinched nerve. I had a shooting pain that traveled from my neck to my shoulder then down my arm into my forearm and blasted out the top of my hand. It was tingly all day like when your foot is asleep. By bed time it was just a dull ache. It got better.
Yesterday I went to my weight class and then did a yoga class afterwards. I could hardly put my shirt on after showering, I was in so much pain. It got worse. I needed a muscle relaxer.
I have a huge knot in my upper back by the shoulder blade. Gravity alone makes it hurt. I tried to dope myself up with ibuprofen and percogesic night and all I got was an upset stomach. It didn't even take the edge off. I slept for a total of 80 min last night and can't get into the doctor till tomorrow. If it wasn't $100 copay I would have gone into the ER but settled on crying instead. Much cheaper.
I wanta shot in my shoulder blade and make it all go away!!!
I don't know what number on the scale of 1-10 excruciating pain is but I would say at least an 8.5.

1 comment:

Lisa and Rustin said...

An 8.5 is too much!
Do see Dr. P!

Maybe he can work some magic on ya...or at least send you to someone who can help!