Monday, April 20, 2009

Orthopedic Surgeon Says Nay...

Last week I saw Dr. Murata and he said my back "wings" out. He continued to tell me this is what happens to people who break their collar bone. I was off to x-ray...came back, all bones in tact. He then asked if I'd been sick recently. I told him actually this is the first year that I didn't catch that flu that everyone was passing around in Feb and March. He went on to tell me that he believes that I got a virus in my central nervous system and it attacked that area of my back...paralyzing it. Told me that there's really no other way to get rid of it than just waiting it out like a cold. He said patients usually are 100% after 2-6 weeks but since I was going into week 8 he wanted me to see someone else. He sent me on my way with a referral to a Neurologist. (Didn't even do a MRI)
Today was my apt at 9:00 am to see a Neurologist. I got there about 8:40 to fill in some paper work. About 9:35 tell called me up to the window, you know that glass one that they can slide back and forth to shut the world out from their great stories of patient gossip they exchange with one another. She told me my doctor was called in to the hospital to assist with an emergency. It's cool, someone definitely needed him more this morning than I did so I'm rescheduled for Thursday at 11:00 be continued.


van said...

OK...I'm trying again...will follow directions but I think you blocked me from responding. So...surgeons, they are so important...lucky you got another apt. without being in the emergency room...I'm going to try to send this. Love, M

van said...

I think I did it! Woopee! Van

Kellie said...

You did mom!! Woop woop!!