Friday, October 16, 2009

Back to the Back...

Some of you don't know but I've been dealing with a LOT of pain the last four months from my sciatic nerve going down my left leg from my lower back. After different types of remedies, herbs, chiropractic and acupuncture appointments I went to see my neurologist. After 4 weeks of insurance crap I was finally approved for an MRI of my back.
Diagnosis: I have a herniated disk that is hitting my nerve root to cause the sciatic nerve to send me constant charges.

Here's a photo of it.

I got approved last Wed from my insurance company with the green light for my MRI. The next day I had it done. Friday my doctor referred me to a surgeon. (See how fast some things can actually happen when all the plants are aligned?) The surgeon's office couldn't get me in till November 11th at the earliest. Uh...some of you don't know but layoff's are coming up, and I mean soon. Our division president sent out an email just today that said mid November, "could possibly be sooner, could be later". What the hell does that do for us beside be nervous wrecks for a longer extended period of time.

Anyway...back to the issue at hand. A co-worker who does the EXACT thing I do went in for back surgery three weeks ago for the same thing. Interesting...I know. So he was able to get me his surgeon's number. I called today and I have an apt October 28th at 7:45. They also have me on the cancellation call list. I told them my dilemma and they said we make our surgeries very soon after the apt, like the following week or so. :) Music to my hears.
I'll keep you updated.
(The surgery would, I think, include cutting the bulged disk part off. Not like they have to cut my spine or anything.)


Melanie Papworth said...

Okay, so surgery is not on the 28th, but your appt before surgery is, right? KEEP US POSTED! And let me know when your surgery is - you need someone to take care of you!!!!!!!!!!! I can cook! I am not much for scratching backs or giving feet rubs, but I can cook! :) And clean! I will do your cooking and cleaning.

Barrett, Melinda, Angel Trinity, and Baby Zander said...

Ya Leese told us a little bit about what's going on with your back. Geez girl! I'm sorry you've been in pain! Keep us updated on what's happening ok? Glad they found the reason behind your pain...hopefully the surgery will make it ALL BETTER!! You're too young to be having back issues! At least that's what I keep saying to myself