Monday, April 27, 2009

Sandy, the water dog!

Mike and Jeff were over at my house to install a cute white picket fence for my dog run.

Meanwhile Regan and Grant Wright, Andrea and Jeff's kids, were playing with Sandy. She got bored playing fetch and then was having her belly rubbed by Regan. Regan asked if Sandy has ever had puppies yet. I told her no and I don't think she will (she's fixed). Regan said oh, maybe its because she just hasn't found the right dog yet. That melted my heart. Too cute!!!
(Since I don't have children of my own I have to borrow my friends' children.)
To continue the fun I knew of another hobby of Sandy's that the three of them would love...water. Sandy is a German/Yellow Lab mix and the Lab comes out in here whenever water is around. Spraying the back patio or washing the car when she's around...not possible. Another reason for the gate. :)
Take a look!


Andrea said...

You can always count on those kids to be very thought provocing, huh! You can borrow them anytime you need Sandy to be occupied while you wash the car.

Sorry I missed out on all the fun.

Melanie Papworth said...

thats kinda cute! cute cuz it's not my dog! oh, i love OTHER people who have dogs! bless you all!
and what's up with you commenting on my books, but not on the pay it forward thing? can we say LOSER? only ONE person seems interested in getting something from me. do you know how embarrassing that is??? PLEASE, out of sheer pity, put your name on my dang list!

Dan said...

Those are great 'Sandy-in-action' pictures! Nice going. Dogs and kids, always a good combo.

Anonymous said...

Love those Sandy pictures!!! It's nice you let her have some fun once in a're so strict///what I learned from the neighbor kids this week...Jesus doesn't love me and I'm not going to heaven because I let them watch Spiderman's OK for them to watch them on earth but not in heaven...I decided not to confuse them any further.