Danicia has been part of the Relay for Life Committee and they had a massive BUNKO party which Melanie and I joined happily. Fun girls night out!!
There were dozens of donated gift baskets that you bought raffle tickets for to win. They also had each player pay $15 to play, all proceeds went to RFL. There were over 37 tables. It was an amazing turn out! I had Melanie take a few picture of me so we show just how many folks were there. Well okay and I like having my picture taken too. :)
Wow. That picture is horrible of me. I think there should be a law against posting pictures of other people on your blog - they should have to approve the picture first.
Good times that night. Thanks for the ride and the bananas afterward!!
Fun fun fun!!!
Them some hot ladies!!
I love the picture of the three of us. Danicia's head looks way too big for her body...
I love the pics Kel...looks like a supa-fun night!
How many
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