Sunday, June 21, 2009

My mornings

Usually on the weekends I'll wake up from Sandy jumping up and down on the side of my bed, dying to go for a run. I don't know why she likes it so much. She's usually struggling at the 2 mile and I then have to pull a dead horse the rest of our 5 mile run.
She is so out of control. I got a few shots of her this morning.
This was after she saw me put my running clothes on. She knew...

She gets crazy when you go by the drawer with her leash in it. She would only look at the front door where we leave from. Refused to look at the camera.
Then after the run she crashes...


Audrey said...

hmm i wished i love to go for a morning jog like you two! Someday....someday!
Love the pic of Sadie licking her chops!

Audrey said...

oops...not sadie, SANDY! How dare I?!?

Mormon Bachelor Pad said...

Seems like your dog and I are the same person... except for the part where she'd a dog... and a girl.